TEL: 1300 228 488 (1300 BATHTUB)

Peter Mastromihalis (The Swanston Hotel, Grand Mercure)

Peter Mastromihalis (The Swanston Hotel, Grand Mercure)
August 21, 2017 Inner Bath

Thank you Inner Bath for a fantastic product.

Working in a hotel with over 500 bathtubs, you can imagine over time with cleaning how quick a bathtub can lose its shine. We have been using Inner Bath for close to 3 years now and I can honestly say it’s the best product we have used to transform our bathtubs back to their original state. The downtime is minimal and we can have the room up and running virtually that day, where with the previous method it would take a minimum of 48hrs for the enamel to set and for the smell to go away.

Peter Mastromihalis (The Swanston Hotel, Grand Mercure)