If you’ve ever waited too long between bathroom cleans, only to find out that you’ve made the job 10 times harder, then these cleaning hacks are going to help keep you on top of it all, and could even make the job easier! Inner Bath knows how much of a pain some bathrooms can be to clean.
That’s why we’re here to make your life easier with these genius cleaning hacks:

1. Cleaning and demisting mirrors with shaving foam is an easy way to stop them fogging up. That’s right, shaving foam! Simply spray it on the mirror and use a lint-free cloth to polish it off. If you don’t splash the mirror with water, you’ll have a steam-free mirror for around 2-3 weeks.
2. It’s easy to use Windex or a similar glass cleaning product to clean the shower screen and get great shine, but if you’re wanting to try a more natural alternative, try using black tea instead. Place 3-4 black tea bags in a jug and leave them to steep for 5 minutes, then move the liquid to a spray bottle. This should cut straight through grime and shower scum. And, if you would like to avoid shower scum build-up, use a squeegee straight after your shower! If your shower screen is too far gone, Inner Bath can offer excellent quality shower screen replacements at exceptional prices. Check out some examples of our work here!
3. If your bathroom windows are getting hazy, simply mix one part water, half a part of rubbing alcohol and two parts of water in a sprayer. This mixture creates the perfect window cleaner that will cut straight through any buildup. Be aware that this method will work much better if there is no direct sunlight on the windows. And, always remember to use a lint-free cloth so that your windows are streak free!
4. Has your shower curtain got a bad mildew and mould problem? Well, rest assured, there is an easy fix. Mix in half a cup of bicarbonate soda with your next washing load, and throw the shower curtain in the same load. Just before the rinse cycle, add in one cup of white vinegar, which will ensure any signs of mouldy life can be easily wiped out. Be sure to hang the curtain out to dry properly before hanging it back in the bathroom. If your shower curtain has done its day, perhaps you might think about upgrading to a shower screen. Inner Bath can install shower screens quickly and easily to completely transform your shower in a matter of hours.
5. Not only will bicarbonate soda and vinegar help fix your shower curtain problems, but it will also help transform your toilet into a sparkling porcelain unit. Although there are alternatives out there made from chemicals, we’ve found that these natural methods do just as good of a job, all while being environmentally friendly. Simply mix equal parts bicarbonate soda and white vinegar and pour it in and around the toilet. Leave it to work its magic for 10-15 minutes, before getting in there and giving it a good scrub. Flush away any excess and stand back and marvel at your clean and sparkly toilet.

As always, use your best judgement when cleaning your bathroom. If your shower curtain is torn and tattered, it’s probably time for a new one. If your shower screen is beyond repair, give Inner Bath a call and we will sort it out for you. We also offer bath and shower relining services, which will have your bathroom looking like the luxurious oasis it once was in no time. Contact Inner Bath today on 1300 228 488 or use our online contact form located here!